
  • August 21st, 2024 - UWRL welcomes undergraduate students Ashley Howell and Teagan Matthews!
  • August 13th, 2024 - Congratulations to Colin Rubow for successfully defending his MS Thesis! Colin will stay with the UWRL to pursue his PhD.
  • July 23rd, 2024 - UWRL is awarded $150k by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development for an R03 developmental grant.
  • July 10th, 2024 - Ian Bales wins the Researcher of the Year Award from the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Utah. Congrats to Ian!
  • June 6th, 2024 - UWRL hosts lab tours to students Ogden campus of the Utah School for the Deaf and Blind, organized by the Robotics Center, University of Utah.
  • June 5th, 2024 - Ian Bales presented his paper titled "Design and Bench Demonstration of a Robotic System for Cervical Spine Deformity Surgery" at the 2024 International Symposium of Medical Robotics, Georgia Tech, Atlanta. Other coauthors on the paper include Adam Reinsch, Brandon Sherrod, Marcus Mazur, and Haohan Zhang.
  • June 1st, 2024 - Undergraduate researcher Taiji Harada joins the UWRL as a summer intern.
  • May 18th, 2024 - Congratulations to Adam Reinsch for winning the Teaching Assistant of the Year award from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Utah.
  • May 16th, 2024 - New PhD students Robert Macdonald and Ana Alvarez join the UWRL.
  • May 5th, 2024 - UWRL published a new paper in IEEE Transaction on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)! Congratulations to the co-authors David Demaree (former MS student), Joey Brignone (current PhD student), and Dr. Mark Bromberg.
  • May 3rd, 2024 - Congratulations to Logan Lancaster for receiving the Nomination award for undergraduate research from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Utah.
  • April 16th, 2024 - A new paper on a novel robotic system for head-neck movements, coauthored by Ian Bales and Professor Zhang, is now available online on Nature Scientific Reports.
  • April 15th, 2024 - A paper coauthored by Professor Zhang on design of hospital rooms is now available online.
  • April 11th, 2024 - UWR Lab participated in the National Biomechanics Day!
  • April 5th, 2024 - Members of UWR Lab present their work at the annual Rocky Mountain ASB meeting. Congratulations to all!
  • April 2nd, 2024 - Congratulations to Logan Lancaster for receiving the Parent Funds Undergraduate Research Award! He will be presenting his research at the undergraduate symposium on 4/9/2024.
  • March 19th, 2024 - UWR Lab research on promoting assistive technology for patients who suffer from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is featured on the ALS Association's website.
  • March 17th, 2024 - Congratulations to everyone in the UWR Lab for six extended abstracts accepted by the Rocky Mountain American Society of Biomechanics. We will have three podium presentations and three poster presentations at the conference (April 4-5).
  • March 11th, 2024 - Partner with the Office for Undergraduate Research, Professor Zhang gave Research Tour for undergraduate students at the University of Utah.
  • February 29th, 2024 - Congratulations to Ian and Adam for their paper accepted by the International Symposium on Medical Robotics, 2024.
  • February 2nd, 2024 - A new paper that Prof. Zhang co-authored is now published on Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation.
  • January 18th, 2024 - UWR Lab Logan Lancaster presented his undergraduate research at the Capitol Hill. Logan's project was only one of the 25 projects selected by the University of Utah Office for Undergraduate Research.
  • January 12th, 2024 - UWR Lab kicked off a workshop series aimed at teaching and learning of technical skills.
  • January 5th, 2024 - Professor Zhang to give a guest lecture in Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Utah.
  • December 8th, 2023 - UWR Lab received a Trailblazer award ($590K) from the National Institute of Health.
  • December 5th, 2023 - Congratulations to Ian Bales for passing the PhD qualification exam!
  • December 1st, 2023 - Prof. Zhang hosted Dr. Steve Collins from Stanford University for the ME Distinguished Seminar. Dr. Collins also toured the lab where we showcased our latest research progress on head-neck robotic systems.
  • November 11th, 2023 - UWR Lab gave lab tours for prospective students from local high schools on Engineering Day.
  • October 13th, 2023 - UWR Lab received a seed grant ($50K) from the ALS Association. This award will help continue the development and clinical translation of a neck exoskeleton to assist with head-neck movements in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. This research is in collaboration with the Motor Neuron Disease clinic (directed by Dr. Mark Bromberg) and the Utah NeuroRobotics Lab directed by Dr. Jake George.


We specialize in wearable robotic solutions by leveraging mechanism design and modern computational methods. We strive to understand the sensorimotor system through experiments using wearable robotic platforms. Our laboratory aspires to make a positive impact on daily living of individuals with motor impairments through increased independence and social inclusion.

As part of the University of Utah Robotics Center, our laboratory is affiliated with the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Utah. We are committed to creating a productive and collaborative research environment. We welcome all new ideas, and we promote fair education and training in robotics.


Past, present and future research in the lab.

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